General Information

The T(r)ollas Sport Club provides trainings to children and adults. Most of our trainings in the hall of Magyar Gyula Kertészeti Szakközépiskola (Adress is 1106 Budapest, Maglódi út 8. – the entrance is from Olaj utca).

 Conditions for participation in trainings

You need sportswear for training in the gym. It is important to have a gym shoe that does not leave it on the floor of the hall and they are  not used as street shoes! Without a proper wear you can’t participate on the traininng! The ball is provided by the club and, if necessary we can provide rocket also.


We are waiting for everywho wants to get know badminton or to improve their existing knowledge. Training times are

Monday 17-19, Wendesday 17-19,

This training is for children, up to 14-15 yrs.Training fee: 4000 Ft/training.  The monthly pass is also available:

1 training per week: is 13000 Ft

2 trainings per week is 25000 Ft

Monday 17-19, 19-21, Wendesday 17-19, 19-21, Thursday 18-20

This training is for adults and bigger teenagers from 15 yrs.Training fee: 4000 Ft/training.  The monthly pass is also available:

1 training per week: is 16000 Ft

2 trainings per week is 30000 Ft


The club can issue official certificates of the training visit to the school, if it needs.


We use feather shuttles. Plastic shuttles used only in any special cases (Student Olimpic Qualification). We kindly ask everyone to use bank transfer to pay the fees, out account is: T(r)ollas SE, 17600080-00799717-00200004. Please, put “Támogatás” word into the note field.


The trainings are hold by Bhuvaneshwari Srinivasan, indian coach in English,


More information:

Gazdag Ferenc